Monday, June 30, 2008

Syren Sails to the South Pacific! of the largest atolls in the world!

Syren and her crew sailed 3,300 miles to Nuka Hiva, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. It took them 18 days! Their next Stop was Rangiroa, in the Tuamoto Archipalego and then on to Tahiti. Adrienne and Alex caught up with Joe in Tahiti and spent 8 days there. We drove all around Tahiti (75 miles) and also took the ferry over to Moorea. We also drove all around the island there (36 miles). The lagoon is beautiful. We ran out of time though and would have liked to see more. Perhaps we will meet up with Joe in some other tropical location?


Laura said...

Looks great A!

Bend Marley's said...

Look at you cutie patutie! I can't believe you found me. I gotta say I miss cutting your hair as much as you miss me cutting it. So nice to see you family blog. I am so glad to see Joe healthy and strong.And hello! what happen to your baby? He is huge!

The Mulligan Family said...

Great photo's - and a beautiful blog! Wonderful work. Thanks for getting me "hooked".
Love you!

Columbo said...

I have wanted to take Cindy to Moorea and Bora Bora, but she not interested. I went in 1981 so a lot has changed ($)....costly now. I love you blog site. Cool........I will keep adding to my Columbo site..Richard.